A decentralized party series where friends help each friends cast a joyous, informed and EARLY vote.

Turning voting into a celebration is wonderful….it really feels like it should be an innate part of the election process, like tailgating before the Big Game.
— Maceo, participant
“I used the [party] resources and to my horror found out I was an INACTIVE voter!? What? I’ve voted in every election.”
— Devin, participant


California tossed over 100,000 ballots in the March 2020 primary election, and many other states did the same.  In the confusion of the pandemic, voters (many of whom are voting by mail for the first time this year) are sending their ballots too late, or getting tripped up by common mistakes. Fortunately, studies have shown that three things can exponentially increase the likelihood of people casting a successful vote:

1) When voters have a plan Research has shown making that voters who make a voting plan can dramatically increase the likelihood of casting a successful vote,

2) and “relational organizing” is one of the most effective tools for increasing voter turnout.

3) When voters cast their vote early. 

While there has been a huge influx in digital tools designed to help voters research their deadlines, behavioral science suggests we need to take it one step further to help voters make and execute on their plan by creating positive social infrastructure

To put it bluntly: we need to party together

*online & from a safe social distance, of course!

In that spirit, we created Vote With Us - a digital party series designed to make the voting process inspiring, collaborative and fun.  This series gathers individuals and their communities to help each other design their personal plan to cast a safe, EARLY (by Vote Early Day), informed, and joyous vote. 

These parties build positive social infrastructure by:

  • Mobilizing voters through positive motivators (desire, joy, and connection) rather than negative motivators (fear and guilt).

  • Creating psychologically safe social spaces for voters to be curious, inspired and supported in learning about issues up and down the ballot.

  • Developing accountability buddy systems and positive peer pressure to increase turnout.

  • Organizing a trusted and informed personal network to help voters feel empowered while navigating the complexities of the voting process.

The format of these parties offer a place to connect and tap into hope. They give participants the opportunity to serve others and practice self care. They create opportunities for communities to organize a future we can all thrive in together.


This party features a wellness practitioner to guide the group in an embodied movement.

  • Invite (this & this & this)

  • Welcome & Intros [5min]

  • Playlist

  • Break into groups to work on voting plans [20min]

  • Agreements

    • Use I statements whenever possible speak from your own experience

    • This is a safe space, feel free to be as vulnerable or not vulnerable as you want. Silence is ok! 

    • Be aware of making space for others

  • Design your voting plan (self-care = community care)

  • Aggregate & share resources (Brain Bank CA, MI, FL, NY)

  • Calls To Action:

  1. Volunteer to be a Poll Worker 

  2. Help us make Election Day a paid holiday - because making ppl choose between their right to vote and their livelihood is a form of voter supression. (MLK jr)

  3. Direct actions

  4. Reflect, wrap up & invite to next party [10min]

  5. Guided meditation, yoga, breathwork or self-massage [25min]

This series was made possible through the brilliance, dedication and care of Shakirah Simley, Ann Yang, XXXX